Friday, August 7, 2009

How to Defend in a Three Step Taekwondo Sparring
The defensive moves of three-step sparring in taekwondo are basic blocks executed in the L stance and a counter attack at the end. An attacker advances while throwing midsection punches, and you retreat and block the strikes in three-step sparring. By practicing this kind of exercise repetitively in taekwondo, you will develop balance and coordination.
How to Do a Middle Inner Forearm Block in Taekwondo:
Step 1: Start in a stance with your feet about shoulder width apart. This will give you the most control for learning and practicing, but realize that in a sparring situation, you may have to execute this block in a different stance.
Step 2: Place your arms in front of you with your hands in a fist at about chest level or a little higher. With both palms facing the ground, cross your hands at the wrists with your right hand on the bottom. This will allow you to block with your right hand. Place the left hand on bottom and reverse the next steps to execute a left hand block.
Step 3: Rotate both of your fists while moving your hands to the blocking position. Your left fist is going to land on your hip with your palm facing up. Your right fist is going to end at about shoulder height. Bend your right arm at the elbow a little, with your arm extended straight out from your shoulder.
Step 4: Snap your blocking arm. Think of blocking as a defensive strike. If your opponent is attacking you with a punch, snapping your block can change his punching momentum and open him up for an attack. A strong block will open offensive possibilities, so practice snapping your blocking forearm into place.
Step 5: Be ready to strike. Your left hand is on your hip ready to punch after your block. Practice combos as well as just your block. After you snap your block, punch with your left hand from your waist. This combo has the potential to open up your opponent after their attack and allow you to get in a strong punch.

1 comment:

  1. Master, Please give me detail description about this article.. Thankyou

